Rare Bicentennial Quarter: $30K Value + 5 More $1,000+ Gems!

1. 1976 Bicentennial Quarter with Double Die Obverse (DDO)

2. 1976-D Bicentennial Quarter with Close AM (CAM)

3. 1976-D Bicentennial Quarter with Broadstruck Error

4. 1976 Bicentennial Quarter with Repunched Date

5. 1976 Bicentennial Quarter with Missing Clad Layer

6. 1976 Bicentennial Quarter with Doubled Die Reverse (DDR)

The rarest bicentennial quarter is the 1976 Bicentennial Quarter with Double Die Obverse (DDO) 

hese rare bicentennial quarters are valuable because they are minting errors 

Minting errors are relatively common, but some, like the DDO 

 If you think you have a rare bicentennial quarter, it is important to have it appraised by a professional coin dealer.